
Features of hostile communications and mobbing conflicts among teenagers in the street-school space (based on the materials of a field study)

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Accepted date: 06/26/2023

Keywords: mobbing, bullying, victim behavior, «victim», «aggressor», «observer»

To cite this article

Ivanov A., Chumakov D. Features of hostile communications and mobbing conflicts among teenagers in the street-school space (based on the materials of a field study). // Kazan Pedagogical Journal . 2023. N 3. p.240-248

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Issue 3, 2023

Ivanov A. Kazan Federal University(Kazan, Russia)

Chumakov D. FGBNU "Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Problems"(Kazan , Russia)


The relevance of the article is due to the fact that the problem of psychological harassment and physical violence in the adolescent and youth environment in recent years has acquired the character of "normality", achieved a mass character and the researcher is interested in the features of communication of participants in this conflict in mobbing scenarios.

The purpose of the study is to enlarge the interactions and communications of the "aggressor" and "victim" during mobbing (bullying) attacks.

The authors formulated and demonstrated a typical situation of conflict in mobbing, which can provoke a sense of social helplessness and insecurity in the "victim" through a negative impact on his "public" social status from the "aggressor", as well as psychological or physical violence, discrediting him at the place of study, in the family, in the street space. All this mentioned above leads the "victim" to social isolation, identical to the state of social death.

The analysis allows us to note that teenagers, victims of psychological and physical harassment usually hide what happened, not wanting to seek help from adults. The essence of mobbing conflicts is revealed, which has the character of double violence for a victimized teenager, usually from "street" "aggressors" whom he may not know (extortion of money, bullying), as well as intra-group hostile communications in the classroom (study group) of a school, college or technical school.

A system of preventive measures to reduce the level of hostile communications in the school space and an algorithm of actions regarding the "aggressor" teenager to ensure the safety of persons who have been subjected to violence are proposed.