ISSN 1726-846X
eISSN 3034-1728

En Ru


Kazan Pedagogical Journal has been published since 1995 and is a peer-reviewed publication. Materials on the results of theoretical, experimental, methodological, exploratory, applied and other research in the field of psychology are published. The journal adheres to high ethical and professional standards, applying all the principles of the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications (COPE). The principles include the absence of deliberately false information that may mislead readers or Authors, both on the official website of the journal and in published materials. The journal shares and adheres to the "Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing". For more information on the ethical performance in working with Authors and Reviewers, see the related section on our website.

Aims, Scope and Target Audience of the Journal

The purpose of the journal is to spread information on the achievements of pedagogical, psychological and sociological sciences in the field of fundamental and applied research, as well as on the assessment of forms and methods of work.

The journal is primarily meant for researchers, teachers, educational psychologists, psychologists and sociologists. The target audience of the journal also includes educators, representatives of expert communities, young scientists, graduate students, students, specialists in the field of education and science. When preparing and selecting manuscripts for the journal, we focus on current trends in research, as well as current challenges of society and the professional community.

The journal is included in the current List of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission, where the main scientific specialties and corresponding branches of science in which academic degrees are awarded are to be published.

Scientific specialties

5.4.4. Social structure, social institutions and processes (sociological sciences)
5.8.1. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical sciences)
5.8.7. Methodology and technology of vocational education (pedagogical sciences)
5.3.1. General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology (psychological sciences)
5.3.4. Educational psychology, psychodiagnostics of digital educational environments (psychological sciences)